How de content program is focused?


SEPTEMBER 22, 2024


SEPTEMBER 29, 2024





-Exploring the nexus between luxury and power, delving into Louis XIV’s strategic use of fashion as a political tool.

-Tracing the evolution of political power and its interplay with style, consumption, and luxury over time.

-Unveiling the intricate relationship between politics, economics, and the evolution of luxury from the Rococo era to Bernard Arnault’s era.

-Journeying through prestigious haute couture ateliers and the artisans behind them, unveiling the transformation of fabric into art and the technical virtuosity involved.

-Investigating the historical ties between luxury and the bourgeoisie, where intellectuals, designers, and artists redefined luxury while studying its formal aspects.

-Exploring the significance of food in luxury creation, from the foundations of French cuisine to the cultural aspects of picnic.

Embark on a elevating and globalizing  journey through the research of luxury phenomena,  as we explore a myriad of themes and locations that promise to immerse you in the capital of luxury. From the grandeur of Musée des Arts Décoratifs and Palais Galliera to the exclusive access of Atelier Caraco, we’ll uncover the influence of iconic figures, delve into haute couture craftsmanship, and explore the intersection of luxury, power and politics. Our journey extends beyond museums as we wander through the passages of Paris, unraveling fragments of history, and explore the pulse of contemporary luxury in iconic neighborhoods such as les Marais and Saint Germain. 

A series gatherings where we’ll explore the delicate balance between luxury, scarcity, and vulgarity. Beginning with an exploration of “Quiet Luxury” through the artistry of perfumery with Bernabé Fillion, our journey unfolds into a deeper networking on  French craftsmanship and its evolution to big conglomerates and cultural heritage brands  such as  Maison Les Courrèges and Maison Hermès. Transitioning to the forefront of fashion and luxury trends at the Tranoi El Trade Show, we’ll analyze emerging designers and the future of luxury. Moments around the table will  make deeper understandings on creativity and business. 

– History of Western Luxury: Luxury and Power.

– Haute Couture, From materials to pieces of art. 

– The Flâneur and the Passages of Paris: The Luxury of the Bourgeoisie.

– Protectionist policy and appellation of origin. 

– Modern French style:  Luxury, Scarcity and vulgarity

– Current Luxury Trends

-Creativity, through food.

“As a hidden treasure,offers a comprehensive perspective that encompasses ancient craftsmanship to the cutting-edge propositions of designers and artist"
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Mer Fuentes
Founder / Associate member
"An extraordinary experience that profoundly changed my life and professional perspective"
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Itziar Azpiazu
Founder / Associate member
"This experience program has transformed my perspective on luxury. It has equipped me with the tools and knowledge to advance in my career with a more conscious and responsible outlook"
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Daya Chiñas
Founder Mezcal Poder



Creators, Connoisseur, Curators